Being creative helps your mental health

Welcome to my Creative Arts Counselling and Life Coaching Space

I’m happy you’re here. Have you ever found that creative expression helps you deal with tough emotions? You don’t have to be an artist to explore your creativity and understand your feelings better—are you open to trying something new?

Life can be messy, and it’s completely okay not to feel okay sometimes. How have you been feeling lately in a world that can feel overwhelming? Taking care of our mental health is important. I’m here to offer therapy that fits into your life and counselling that feels right for you. What goals or outcomes are you hoping to explore during our sessions together?

Creative art therapy uses art to help you express your thoughts and feelings. Have you ever considered how art could help you overcome your challenges? This approach can help you feel less anxious and build kindness towards yourself. I’m excited to support you on this journey—Which part of your creativity are you interested in exploring?

Being creative helps your mental health

I believe in self-enhancement by building a vision of the future you would like. What future do you envision for yourself? 

Life coaching can help you to create your own vision of your future whilst giving you a way to reach those goals. I can help you goal-set and keep you accountable to achieve what you want.

Counselling focuses on your mental health and healing your past. Whilst Life Coaching focuses on moving you forward.

My sessions provide a safe space for people of all ages to express themselves through various mediums such as paintings, collages, drawings, clay work, creative writing, music, or poems.

Also, I work holistically using traditional methods too if this is what you need.

As I am bilingual, speaking both Portuguese and English, I can offer my sessions in both languages.